Look both ways twice before stepping out into the road and make sure there is time to cross without hurrying
If you want a perfect fitness and exercise plan for weight loss,If you want to tone up your body and get slim,If you want to watch the excess weight drop away and have more energy and vitality than you ever had before.If you want a powerful therapeutic tool to refresh your mind and body,If you want a simple way to stay fit for the rest of your life-then Walk Slim is for you.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Safe Walking.
Look both ways twice before stepping out into the road and make sure there is time to cross without hurrying
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Family Walks.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Why Your Child Should Walk?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
How Active is Your Child?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Fit Kids Fitness for All The Family
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Whole Body Workout
Work up a sweat once a day - Spartan Saying, circa 430 BC
Aerobic walking will give you stamina and endurance (aerobic fitness), a strong heart and lungs, develop your lower body and tone some of your upper body muscles, but it cannot provide all the exercise you need for whole body fitness. Whole body fitness requires stamina, strength and suppleness, and performing the exercises in the Whole-Body Workout three a week will provide with this:
STAMINA- As you improve your stamina you increase the efficiency of your cardiovascular system: your heart and circulatory system. As the heart muscle becomes stronger and more efficient, it beats at a slower, more powerful rate, giving it less work to do in everyday life. These stamina building exercises are additional to the stamina that walking gives you.
STRENGHT – these exercises involve the repeated action of muscles against resistance. Regular local exercise is needed for the development and maintenance of good muscle tone, strength and endurance, giving you the ability to sustain pro-longed activity becoming tired. Stronger muscles mean that can lift and carry with greater ease.
SUPPLENSS- Suppleness is about flexibility. Good flexibility will enable you to use muscles and joints throughout the full potential range of movement – to bend, reach, twist and turn with case. After an initial warm-up, the best way to stretch a muscle is through a relaxed sustained stretch and not by forcing or bouncing your body into any position. Always stretch within your own capabilities- never stretch to the point of pain. The stretch should be applied gradually. Ease into the hold position and remain relaxed. A mild tension should be left- this should decrease as you hold.
Stretching is performed as two different levels. The easy stretcb, included in the warm-up, is pre-lengthen and prepare the muscles for work. The developmental stretcb, included in the cool-down, involves holding your static stretch for longer to help improve flexibility and range of movement.
Walking is a moderate exercise which allows you to build up to an aerobic level without straining yourself. Similarly, these exercises have all been designed to help you build stamina, strength and suppleness without straining yourself. The number of repetitions and the length of time that exercises are held is only a guide- if necessary, reduce them to what you find comfortable.
As an individual your level of fitness is unique. If you are unfit or overweight and have poor muscle tone and flexibility, then you must progress gradually with the exercises. You should never feel pain. You movements should flow naturally. Never force- keep within your own ability, learn to listen to your body and you will not go far wrong.
Whole-body fitness allows you to do the things you want to do when you want to do them. And it helps you control your weight, ease away stress, sleep better, feel more confident about yourself and look better, too
Friday, December 2, 2011
Radical Advice – Step Up on A C E Foods
Experts have long suspected that there is a link between cancer, heart disease and diet and 35 per cent of all cancers are now thought to be linked to diet. Cancer and heart dis-ease are thought to start with damage to cells caused by ‘free radicals’, destructive by-products of oxygen which attack our blood vessels and vital organs causing irreversible cell damage. Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, a from of vitamin A, can protect against cancer and heart disease by eliminating free radicals. These vital vitamins are known as anti-oxidants or free radical scavengers and they mop up the destructive reactions caused by free radicals.
Leading government health agencies now advise that the best protection against cancer and heart disease is to eat more foods rich in the ‘ACE’ vitamins. ACE vitamins are found in the following:
Beta-carotene: dark green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits such as spinach, broccoli, peas, cress, aspara-gus, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, apricots, peaches, cherries, mangoes, cantaloupe melon
Vitamin C: citrus fruit, strawberries, blackcur- rants, kiwi fruit, raw cabbage, green leafy vegetables, green peppers, potatoes, Swedes, parsnips, tomatoes nuts, seeds, whole grains, soya beans, vegerable oils especially sunflower oil, fish liver oils, green leafy vegetables
Three good portions of vegetables and two of fruit each day is the best way to ensure that you get enough of the ‘ACE’ vitamins
Doctors at Harvard Medical School also believe that anti-oxidants present in beta-carotene may reduce the effects of LDL, or ‘bad cholesterol’.
Cutting Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance that is found naturally in all human and animal tissues. Manufactured in the liver, cholesterol is essential to a number of body processes such as the metabolism of fat and the formation of hormones. Most of the cholesterol in the bloodstream is made in the body, but some foods which we eat contain cholesterol (dietary cholesterol).
Cholesterol is carried in the bloodstream by special proteins called lipoproteins. They come in two types- high density lipoproteins (HDLs) and low density (LDLs). HDLs are sometimes called ‘good’ and LDLs ‘bad’ cholesterol. The higher your HDL level the lower the risk of heart disease.
You can affect your total cholesterol level by reducing your intake of saturated fat. This is found in fatty meat products (pies and sausages), full fat dairy foods, biscuits and cakes. High cholesterol foods include shellfish, egg, offal and dairy foods.
The best way to lower total cholesterol and to lose boost HDL levels is to makes lifestyle changes-particularly diet and exercise. Follow The Walk Slim Diet by cutting saturated fat and eating more complex carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, fish and white meat. And walk aerobically at least 4 times a week for 30 minute at a time
Stay Slim Forever
Using The Walk slim Diet, you will easily be able to lose 3 to 4 pounds a week until you get back to your goal weight. Then it’s simply a matter of following the rules of healthy eating and walking a minimum of 4 times a week for 30 minute at an aerobic rate to maintain your weight and ling term fitness.