
Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Walk Slim Diet

DAY LIGHT MEAL                                                                     MAIN MEAL
1.        Garden Salad (p 124)                                                                               Chicken Provencal (p 153)
2.        Curried Potatoes and Petits Pois (p 127)                                              Baked Fish with Toasted Almonds (p 148)
3.        Tuscan Salad (p 127)                                                                                 Sweet and Sour Courgettes and Peppers (p 143)
4.        Egg mayonnaise with Prawns and Grapes (p 132)                               Mexican Turkey (p 158)
5.        Tuna and Leek Salad (p 128)                                                                    Vegetable Pilau (p 141)
6.        Chicken with mango (p 123)                                                                    Pasta with Smoked Salmon (p 138)
7.        Red Cabbage and Apple Mayonnaise (p 125)                                       Turkish Lamb (p 145)
8.        Italian Salad (p 118)                                                                                   Bean Ragout (p 145)
9.        Carrot and Tuna with Oranges (p 123)                                                   Chicken Val Bon (p 154)
10.     Mushroom and Pepper Omelette (p 132)                                              White Fish with Tomatoes and peas (p 149)
11.     Mediterranean Salad (p 122)                                                                    Pasta Amatriciana (p 137)
12.     Poha (p 136)                                                                                                 Cantonese Chicken (p 156)
13.     Mexican Praw (p 131)                                                                                  Daube D’Aubergines                                             
14.     Vegetable Kebabs (p 131)                                                                           Pork in Red Wine (p 159)
15.     Spanish Salad (p 119)                                                                                   Retatouille (p 145)key Koftas (p 157)
16.     Avocado with Orange (p 134)                                                                     Prawns with Rice (p 142)
17.     Watercress and Bean Salad (p 126)                                                          Tropical Chicken (p 157)
18.     Mangetout and Harn omelette (p132)                                                     Vegetable Goulash (p 146)
19.     Russian Salad (p 127)                                                                                  Turkey. Koftas (p 157)
20.     Aubergine with Mozzarella (p 131)                                                          White Fish with Leeks (p 148)
21.     Stuffed Tomatoes (p 130)                                                                          Beef with Peppers (p 161)
22.     Spring Salad (p 124)                                                                                     Pasta with Tuna and Walnuts (p 138)
23.     Marinated Courgettes and Mushrooms (p 122)                                     Normandy Chicken (p 138)
24.     Pepper Salad ( 119)                                                                                      Prawn Korma (p 150)
25.     Samon, Apple and Cashew Nuts (p 120)                                                  Pasta Siciliana (p 137)
26.     Wheat Porridge (p 125)                                                                               Fish with Pine Nuts and Sultanas (p 151)
27.     Eggs Florentine (p 129)                                                                                Scampi Provencal (p 151)
28.     Ham and Cheese Crostini (p 136)                                                               Lamb with Courgettes (p 161)
29.     Upma (p 123)                                                                                                 Spicy Vegetables ( p 144)
Pasta and Bean Salad                                                                                   Moroccan Chicken (p 155

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