To loosen and relax the neck, shoulders and upper back.
Stand tall with feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent, abdominals pulled in and pelvis tucked under. Relax arms by your sides. Lift and lower shoulders 8 times, rotate shoulders back 8 times rotate forward 8 times.
To loosen shoulders and chest.
Stand as above, feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Inhale as you raisearms above head, exhale as you lower arms. Repeat 4 times
To increase blood flow and oxygen uptake to working muscles, warming up calves, Achilles tendons and quadriceps.
Walk on the spot. Stay tall with abdominals in and a long back. Gradually increase intensity by marching and swinging arms back and forth. Alternatively lift knees up level with your hips so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Repeat 16 times.
To stretch out quadriceps situated down the front of the thight.
Using a chair or the wall for balance, stand on left leg with knee slightly bent, pelvis tucked under, trunk upright. Hold on to right foot, keep knees together and ease right heel towards right buttock as the right hip extends gently forwards. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with other leg.
To increase circulation and activate and limber hamstring muscles situated on the back of the thigh.
Stand with feet fairly wide apart, toes turned slightly outward abdominals in, chest up, hands on hips. Lift right heel up and back towards right buttock then lower foot back to floor.Repeat with left foot. Alternate these heel lifts.Deep steady breathing. Repeat 16 times.
To pre-lengthen and prepare muscles behind thigh.
Bend left leg, hands on left thigh. Straighten out right leg in front of you. Point toes, keep knees in line. With a long trunk lean forward slightly chest and holding abdominals in (do not bend from waist). Feel the stretch behind the right thigh in the hamstring muscles as the right leg is lengthened slowly. Hold 10-15 seconds. Repeat on other leg.
To warm and prepare calf muscles and Achilles tendon.
Stand tall, abdominals in, shoulders back and relaxed, feet together using a wall or chair for balance. Lift heels standing on balls of feet and ‘squeeze’ into calf muscles. Hold for 2 counts then lower heels down to floor. Repeat 6 times.
To stretch out main body of calf.
Facing and resting hands on wall- head up, back straight, abdominals in – place right in front of left with right foot approximately 6 inches from wall. Both heels remain flat on the floor, toes pointing forwards, as you ease pelvis forward to feel stretch in main body of left calf. Hold 10-15 seconds.
To stretch out lower calf and Achilles tendon.
Face and place hands on wall as in previous stretch. This time keep feet together approximately 2 feet from wall. Toes forward and heels down. Keeping hips tucked in, gently bend knees until stretch is left in lower calf and Achilles tendon.
Holding on to wall, lift one foot. Bend supporting leg. Slowly rotate foot one way then the other. Repeat on other foot.
Once you have done your warm-up exercises, the best way to continue warming up is to walk. Start gradually, building your pace over 4 or 5 minutes, allowing your heart beat to rise by walking at a brisk comfortable pace. Walk for 30 minutes each day during this first week.
Over the next 30 days you are going to gradually increase your walking time from 30 minutes a day up to 40, 50 then, 60 minutes. You are going walk 5 times each week and in weeks 3 and 4 you are going to increase this to 6 times a week. Starting out walking around 2 miles a day, by the end of 30 days you will be walking nearly 4 miles each day. And the pounds will be just falling off.
Cooldown/Post-exercise Stretches
A cooldown after aerobic walking is as important as a warm-up beforehand. Don’t just stop walking-gently reduce your pace over several minutes as you finish your walk. This will help you to avoid sore muscles and will return your heart and blood pressure back to a normal level. End your walkout with a few cooldown stretches.
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