Look both ways twice before stepping out into the road and make sure there is time to cross without hurrying
If you want a perfect fitness and exercise plan for weight loss,If you want to tone up your body and get slim,If you want to watch the excess weight drop away and have more energy and vitality than you ever had before.If you want a powerful therapeutic tool to refresh your mind and body,If you want a simple way to stay fit for the rest of your life-then Walk Slim is for you.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Safe Walking.
Look both ways twice before stepping out into the road and make sure there is time to cross without hurrying
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Family Walks.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Why Your Child Should Walk?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
How Active is Your Child?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Fit Kids Fitness for All The Family
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Whole Body Workout
Work up a sweat once a day - Spartan Saying, circa 430 BC
Aerobic walking will give you stamina and endurance (aerobic fitness), a strong heart and lungs, develop your lower body and tone some of your upper body muscles, but it cannot provide all the exercise you need for whole body fitness. Whole body fitness requires stamina, strength and suppleness, and performing the exercises in the Whole-Body Workout three a week will provide with this:
STAMINA- As you improve your stamina you increase the efficiency of your cardiovascular system: your heart and circulatory system. As the heart muscle becomes stronger and more efficient, it beats at a slower, more powerful rate, giving it less work to do in everyday life. These stamina building exercises are additional to the stamina that walking gives you.
STRENGHT – these exercises involve the repeated action of muscles against resistance. Regular local exercise is needed for the development and maintenance of good muscle tone, strength and endurance, giving you the ability to sustain pro-longed activity becoming tired. Stronger muscles mean that can lift and carry with greater ease.
SUPPLENSS- Suppleness is about flexibility. Good flexibility will enable you to use muscles and joints throughout the full potential range of movement – to bend, reach, twist and turn with case. After an initial warm-up, the best way to stretch a muscle is through a relaxed sustained stretch and not by forcing or bouncing your body into any position. Always stretch within your own capabilities- never stretch to the point of pain. The stretch should be applied gradually. Ease into the hold position and remain relaxed. A mild tension should be left- this should decrease as you hold.
Stretching is performed as two different levels. The easy stretcb, included in the warm-up, is pre-lengthen and prepare the muscles for work. The developmental stretcb, included in the cool-down, involves holding your static stretch for longer to help improve flexibility and range of movement.
Walking is a moderate exercise which allows you to build up to an aerobic level without straining yourself. Similarly, these exercises have all been designed to help you build stamina, strength and suppleness without straining yourself. The number of repetitions and the length of time that exercises are held is only a guide- if necessary, reduce them to what you find comfortable.
As an individual your level of fitness is unique. If you are unfit or overweight and have poor muscle tone and flexibility, then you must progress gradually with the exercises. You should never feel pain. You movements should flow naturally. Never force- keep within your own ability, learn to listen to your body and you will not go far wrong.
Whole-body fitness allows you to do the things you want to do when you want to do them. And it helps you control your weight, ease away stress, sleep better, feel more confident about yourself and look better, too
Friday, December 2, 2011
Radical Advice – Step Up on A C E Foods
Experts have long suspected that there is a link between cancer, heart disease and diet and 35 per cent of all cancers are now thought to be linked to diet. Cancer and heart dis-ease are thought to start with damage to cells caused by ‘free radicals’, destructive by-products of oxygen which attack our blood vessels and vital organs causing irreversible cell damage. Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, a from of vitamin A, can protect against cancer and heart disease by eliminating free radicals. These vital vitamins are known as anti-oxidants or free radical scavengers and they mop up the destructive reactions caused by free radicals.
Leading government health agencies now advise that the best protection against cancer and heart disease is to eat more foods rich in the ‘ACE’ vitamins. ACE vitamins are found in the following:
Beta-carotene: dark green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits such as spinach, broccoli, peas, cress, aspara-gus, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, apricots, peaches, cherries, mangoes, cantaloupe melon
Vitamin C: citrus fruit, strawberries, blackcur- rants, kiwi fruit, raw cabbage, green leafy vegetables, green peppers, potatoes, Swedes, parsnips, tomatoes nuts, seeds, whole grains, soya beans, vegerable oils especially sunflower oil, fish liver oils, green leafy vegetables
Three good portions of vegetables and two of fruit each day is the best way to ensure that you get enough of the ‘ACE’ vitamins
Doctors at Harvard Medical School also believe that anti-oxidants present in beta-carotene may reduce the effects of LDL, or ‘bad cholesterol’.
Cutting Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a substance that is found naturally in all human and animal tissues. Manufactured in the liver, cholesterol is essential to a number of body processes such as the metabolism of fat and the formation of hormones. Most of the cholesterol in the bloodstream is made in the body, but some foods which we eat contain cholesterol (dietary cholesterol).
Cholesterol is carried in the bloodstream by special proteins called lipoproteins. They come in two types- high density lipoproteins (HDLs) and low density (LDLs). HDLs are sometimes called ‘good’ and LDLs ‘bad’ cholesterol. The higher your HDL level the lower the risk of heart disease.
You can affect your total cholesterol level by reducing your intake of saturated fat. This is found in fatty meat products (pies and sausages), full fat dairy foods, biscuits and cakes. High cholesterol foods include shellfish, egg, offal and dairy foods.
The best way to lower total cholesterol and to lose boost HDL levels is to makes lifestyle changes-particularly diet and exercise. Follow The Walk Slim Diet by cutting saturated fat and eating more complex carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, fish and white meat. And walk aerobically at least 4 times a week for 30 minute at a time
Stay Slim Forever
Using The Walk slim Diet, you will easily be able to lose 3 to 4 pounds a week until you get back to your goal weight. Then it’s simply a matter of following the rules of healthy eating and walking a minimum of 4 times a week for 30 minute at an aerobic rate to maintain your weight and ling term fitness.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Walk Slim Diet
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Walk Slim Breakfast.

Many nutritionists agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you are trying to lose weight, and skip breakfast, you will probably be tempted into overeating later in the day-a good breakfast can help to prevent this. And it has been shown that people who have breakfast woke more efficiently than those who make do with a cup of tea or coffee to start the day. Porridge is a good source of energy and is very satisfying. Tomatoes, mushrooms or baked beans with wholemeal toast make an excellent low-fat breakfast. Fruit is very refreshing, is low in fat and can be a good source of fibre- for example, 4 ounces of prunes contain 8 grams of fibre. As a change from eating them on their own, try making a dries fruit salad.
Fish is rich source of vitamins and minerals. Kippers and smoked haddock are traditional breakfast foods and make an appetizing and mourishing meal.
Eggs are an excellent food, but cook them without extra fat a poached or boiled egg with wholemeal toast is very nourishing .And a scrambled egg or an omelette cooked ina non-stick pan and served with fresh bread makes a good breakfast.
Fruit and vegetables freshly juiced provide immediate energy. A glass first thing in the morning gives instant vitality and a feeling of well-being. Juices contain vital vitamins and minerals and they aare quickly assimilated by the body. Try different combinations of fruit and vegetable juices – a good juice to start with is carrot mixed with apple.
If you are entertaining use a Walk Slim main-meal recipe and, as a first course, serve one of the light-meal recipes such as Smoked Fish Pate, Chicken with Mango or one of the salads. A fresh fruit platter makes a lovely dessert-choose 3 or 4 different fruits, slice or cut as appropriate, and arrange on a serving plate, garnished with a spring of mint. It is appetizing, nutritious and low in fat as well as being delicious to eat.
Friday, November 25, 2011
The Walk Slim Diet plan.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Increase Complex Carbohydrates Foods.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Easy Steps To Lose Excess Weight in 30 Days

Easy Steps To Lose Excess Weight in 30 Days
Step 1 Walk To Win
Brisk fitness walking is an aerobic exercise. If you walk in the low to moderate range of your target heart rate, you will burn stored fat as fuel after the first 20 minutes. And the longer you walk, the more fat you will burn.
Compared with being sedentary (sitting at a desk, watching TV) you will burn around five times as many calories when you walk aerobically at 3.5-4 mph and on average you will lose up 200 calories every 30 minutes.
During aerobic walking the heart and respiratory rates increase and your metabolism (performance level) speed up. Metabolism is the process where food, as fuel, is broken down and, with the help of oxygen, is ‘burnt off’ and converted into heat and energy. Many dieters use the excuse of not being able to do anything about their metabolism, but in fact meta-bolism can be altered by the type of you eat and the exercise you take.
It is the extra oxygen provided by aerobic – ‘with air’ – walking and higher metabolic rate that burns off the excess calories and keeps them off forever. And that’s not all.
Try walking first thing in the morning before you have eaten. Research shows that if you want to lose weight then this is the best time, because glycogen reserves are very low in the morning so energy by using body fat.
Glycogen is a form of carbohydrate stored in the muscles and liver. When you start out walking, a major part of the energy provided is drawn from your glycogen pool. But as you continue to walk you begin to draw energy from your fat stores. So the lower your glycogen level the sooner you will start to pull on these fat stores and lose weight.
Try the appetite- suppressing powers of walking and walk before meals. Don’t be concerned about your appetite increase-ing with walking. It is only very vigorous exercise that tends to increase aapetite. As long as you walk at a moderate pace (around 70 per cent of your target heart rate) then you should feel less hungry than you would if you did no exercise at all.
Try walking after meals. Not a brisk aerobic walk- just a short, relaxed stroll. It will help digestion, relieve that bloated feeling and give you renewed energy to get on with the rest of the day. Research carried out by Bryant Stamford, PhD, exercise physiologist and director of the Health Promotion Center at the University of Louisville, USA, suggests that a moderate workout right after a meal gives you a fat-burning bonus. Whereas a 30-minute pre-meal walk would burn up around 200 calorise plus a fraction from the ‘afterburn effect’ – the tendency to continue burning calories after the walk is over –a 30- minute post walk could burn another 15 per cent of the total.
So the first step is to get outside and walk to win.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
More than 90 per of people who lose weight on diets put. the weight back on again
Most diets are temporary solution to a permanent problem-which is how to lose weight and maintain that weight loss. Most diets fail because:
o On their own, without exercising, you lose weight rapidly and much of this is lean tissue, not fat.
o Your metabolism slows down-your body thinks it’s being starved so it conserves fat, the opposite of what you want!
o They are extreme, impractical and simply boring.
With some slimming foods offering miracle weight loss without exercising, and some fitness plans offering quick weight loss without dieting, it’s easy to see why some people think that can diet without exercising or exercise without dieting.
But the answer is not that simple.
If you want to get fit, lose weight and maintain your fitness and weight loss for the rest of your life, then you need to diet and exercise. Most people fail on diets because the diets are temporary (the yo-yo syndrome), unpleasant and nutritionally unsound – and the exercise suggested is often difficult to keep up and boring. The diets leave you feeling deprived, bad tempered, depressed and yes – hungry!
But don’t despair. New research now shows that adding exercise to a moderate diet is a far more effective way to lose weight than dieting alone. According to researchers at Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California, USA, combining a walking programme with a healthy diet results in a greater loss of total body fat and dangerous blood cholesterol than dieting alone. Exercisers in the Stanford study lost almost double the percentage of body fat than those who only dieted.
Moderation is the key to successful dieting and exercise.
Moderate exercise (brisk, aerobic walking) with a moderate diet plan (The Walk Slim Diet) is the easiest and quickest way to lose those unwanted pounds and keep them off forever.
Aerobic walking works because it speeds up your metabolic rate (performance level) anad burns fat, not lean tissue. Aerobic walking works because it is an exercise that you can keep up for the rest of your life. When it comes to achieving results, aerobic walking is simply the best.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently pub- lished worldwide scientific research recommending the amount and type of food we should eat. The key to both healthy eating and weight loss is to revamp your eating habits – eating more complex carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables and cutting down on fat, sugar and salt.
Sounds simple? It works. And to add to the growing debate on healthy eating, the Food Guide Pyramid (see page 54) which makes similar recommendations to the WHO guidelines on healthy eating.
The message that comes across loud and clear is that we should eat fat sparingly. We used to think that if we are 3,500 calories more than we needed than we would gain a pound, whatever the source of those calories. Recent research, thought, has overthrown this idea. It now seems that the body is more efficient at making body fat from dietary fats than from proteins and carbohydrates. Put simply - it’s the fat in our diet that makes us fat. We now know that:
Each fat gram we contains 9 calories Each carbohydrate gram we eat contains 4 calories |
And this is only part of the story. For every carbohydrate calorie we eat, the body uses up more than 25 per cent of those calories internally. But for each fat calorie you eat, only 3 per cent is used up to convert it internally. Our bodies burn carbohydrates and store fats.
And that’s not all Those same fats are also raising your cholesterol level, damaging your vessels and possibly contributing to cancers and other degenerative diseases.
The good news, though, is that you don’t have to count calories with The walk Slim Diet. All you need to do is to focus on those in the healthy food pyramid which will lower your fat intake and increase your carbohydrates.
So forget past diets. This diet is simple, easy to keep up and it works. So step to it and eat healthy.Thursday, November 10, 2011
For your final nine days you will increase your walk time gradually from 50 to 60 minutes and you will walk for 8bof those days. Remember to very your routine with morning walks, work-break walks, lunchtime walks, late afternoon walks and evening walks. Persuade a friend to walk with you or get the family out for a walk. You are also going to think this week about the best speed to walk at for cardiovascular health (how to build a strong heart and lungs).
Day 30 – congratulations, you’ve made it! You should feel proud of yourself. you have more energy and you should want to continue walking for the rest of your life. In future, if you put on a few extra pounds you will be able to just walk them away.
Target Heart Rate- Is It necessary?
What has all this to do with weight loss? Well , it’s true that walking will burn away the calories however fast you walk, but generally speaking a brisk aerobic walk between 3.5 to 4.0 mph will burn more calories, more quickly and more efficiently. The key thing is getting into a rhythm- your rhythm, one that works for you.
And remember, no matter how you measure it, when you walk aerobically, you are not only getting weight loss benefits, but also cardiovascular benefits (stronger heart and lungs) and benefits to your fitness and long term health.
Walking can be aerobic, even without checking your pulse and measuring target heart rate. However, this simple tech-nique ensures that you are walking within your aerobic ‘heart training zone’ and it is simple and safe.
You need to walk intensely enough to raise your heart beat between 60 per cent and 80 per cent of its maximum. (for the very unfit 50 per cent to 60 per cent is an adequate goal.)Work out your ideal pulse rate (called target heart rate) this way:
1. Subtract your age from 220. If you are 40 then that will be 220-40=180. That’s your maximum heart rate.
2. Now calculate 60 per cent and 80 per cent of your maximum heart rate: 180*60=108and 180*.80=144. Your goal when walking is to keep your pulse between 108 and 144 beats per minute. Get into a good walking rhythm, say for five minutes or so, then check your pulse at the carotid artery in your neck, or at writs. Look-ing at your watch’s second hand count the for 6 seconds then multiply by 10-that’s your pulse.
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 | 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 | 120 117 114 111 108 105 102 99 96 93 90 | 160 156 152 148 144 140 136 132 128 124 120 |
If you are below the lower end of your target range, then speed up a bit to bring yourself within it. If you are above the higher end of your target range, then slow down until you are back within your target zone. If you find measuring your pulse on the move difficult, then measure it immediately you end your work out and adjust your effort next time out. You can use this simple table to work out your upper and lower target limits.
Don’t let pulse taking take the fun out of your walking. Once you become experienced, you will be able to keep within your target zone simply by knowing how it ‘feels’. One way to know how it ‘feels’ or how you ‘perceive’ it, is to use the following Rating of Perceived Exertion, or RPE:
RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion |
Maximum Exertion 20 Extermely Hard 19 18 Very Hard 17 16 Hard 15 14 Somewhat Hard 13 12 Light 11 10 Very Light 9 8 Extermely Light 7 None 6 |
The RPE relies more on your feeling, or gut sense, of how hard you are exercising. It works on the assumption that if you think you are getting a hard workout, then you probably are, and your heart rate is likely to be in the aerobic target zone.
The RPE runs from 6 to 20. Each number represents a phase that describes your perception of how hard you are exercising. Six, for example, means ‘no exertion’; 20 means ‘maximum exertion’. By adding a zero to each number, you get a rough represents a workout which is ‘somewhat hard’ in the target heart range of 120-130.
The RPE is a rough guide only and converting it to heart rate older is difficult for older people and for those out of condition. For older people, the maximum heart rate is much lower, and for those out of condition, even moderate exercise can set their heart racing. But studies show that the REP scale repre-sents a close relationship between a person’s perceived ecer-tion during exercise and heart rate.
Instead of using target heart rate or RPE, an easy guide to effectiveness is to walk at a speed which will leave you slightly breathless but still able to carry on a conversation. For most people this will be a speed between 3.5 mph and 4 mph. This should be sufficient to achieve an aerobic workout and develop a healthy heart.