Many nutritionists agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you are trying to lose weight, and skip breakfast, you will probably be tempted into overeating later in the day-a good breakfast can help to prevent this. And it has been shown that people who have breakfast woke more efficiently than those who make do with a cup of tea or coffee to start the day. Porridge is a good source of energy and is very satisfying. Tomatoes, mushrooms or baked beans with wholemeal toast make an excellent low-fat breakfast. Fruit is very refreshing, is low in fat and can be a good source of fibre- for example, 4 ounces of prunes contain 8 grams of fibre. As a change from eating them on their own, try making a dries fruit salad.
Fish is rich source of vitamins and minerals. Kippers and smoked haddock are traditional breakfast foods and make an appetizing and mourishing meal.
Eggs are an excellent food, but cook them without extra fat a poached or boiled egg with wholemeal toast is very nourishing .And a scrambled egg or an omelette cooked ina non-stick pan and served with fresh bread makes a good breakfast.
Fruit and vegetables freshly juiced provide immediate energy. A glass first thing in the morning gives instant vitality and a feeling of well-being. Juices contain vital vitamins and minerals and they aare quickly assimilated by the body. Try different combinations of fruit and vegetable juices – a good juice to start with is carrot mixed with apple.
If you are entertaining use a Walk Slim main-meal recipe and, as a first course, serve one of the light-meal recipes such as Smoked Fish Pate, Chicken with Mango or one of the salads. A fresh fruit platter makes a lovely dessert-choose 3 or 4 different fruits, slice or cut as appropriate, and arrange on a serving plate, garnished with a spring of mint. It is appetizing, nutritious and low in fat as well as being delicious to eat.
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