Easy Steps To Lose Excess Weight in 30 Days
Step 1 Walk To Win
Brisk fitness walking is an aerobic exercise. If you walk in the low to moderate range of your target heart rate, you will burn stored fat as fuel after the first 20 minutes. And the longer you walk, the more fat you will burn.
Compared with being sedentary (sitting at a desk, watching TV) you will burn around five times as many calories when you walk aerobically at 3.5-4 mph and on average you will lose up 200 calories every 30 minutes.
During aerobic walking the heart and respiratory rates increase and your metabolism (performance level) speed up. Metabolism is the process where food, as fuel, is broken down and, with the help of oxygen, is ‘burnt off’ and converted into heat and energy. Many dieters use the excuse of not being able to do anything about their metabolism, but in fact meta-bolism can be altered by the type of you eat and the exercise you take.
It is the extra oxygen provided by aerobic – ‘with air’ – walking and higher metabolic rate that burns off the excess calories and keeps them off forever. And that’s not all.
Try walking first thing in the morning before you have eaten. Research shows that if you want to lose weight then this is the best time, because glycogen reserves are very low in the morning so energy by using body fat.
Glycogen is a form of carbohydrate stored in the muscles and liver. When you start out walking, a major part of the energy provided is drawn from your glycogen pool. But as you continue to walk you begin to draw energy from your fat stores. So the lower your glycogen level the sooner you will start to pull on these fat stores and lose weight.
Try the appetite- suppressing powers of walking and walk before meals. Don’t be concerned about your appetite increase-ing with walking. It is only very vigorous exercise that tends to increase aapetite. As long as you walk at a moderate pace (around 70 per cent of your target heart rate) then you should feel less hungry than you would if you did no exercise at all.
Try walking after meals. Not a brisk aerobic walk- just a short, relaxed stroll. It will help digestion, relieve that bloated feeling and give you renewed energy to get on with the rest of the day. Research carried out by Bryant Stamford, PhD, exercise physiologist and director of the Health Promotion Center at the University of Louisville, USA, suggests that a moderate workout right after a meal gives you a fat-burning bonus. Whereas a 30-minute pre-meal walk would burn up around 200 calorise plus a fraction from the ‘afterburn effect’ – the tendency to continue burning calories after the walk is over –a 30- minute post walk could burn another 15 per cent of the total.
So the first step is to get outside and walk to win.
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